
Generally, Training at the MELIC is conducted in two stages, The first stage comprises classroom training and field training at the training model road. The second stage comprises execution of a trial contract in the districts.

 Courses at MELTC are in modular form with a learning centred approach. the training methods employed range from interactive classroom sessions, exercises, case studies, discussions, short, workshops, seminars, and practical demonstration, both at the training model road and during trial contracts.

MELTC also organises and facilitates study tours, field excursions and attachments for enriching trainees with ideas through exposure. The provision of outreach training and support facilitates transfer of knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Target Groups

International Training courses for Engineers and Supervisors​

Most developing countries are widely adopting other employment intensive methods and innovations to address the problem of unemployment and poverty for sustainable development. The use of labour-based methods development requires for infrastructure specialized skills, knowledge and attitude that are not common. MELTC has the capacity to provide these requirements It has adequate capacity in terms of resources, personnel and physical facilities to conduct international course for Engineers Supervisors in close and collaboration with ILO.

Trial contract outreach support

MELTC provides outreach support services to trainees in the respective Districts or place of business location. The trainees are equipped to demonstrate ability to produce good quality work meeting the set standards by the Ministry of Works and Transport. The Centre at this stage evaluates the trainees with other awarded assessors being independent certificates. Trial contract evaluation by MELTC in collaboration with the respective District officials undertake contract evaluation during the implementation period of the Trial contract. The contractor staff

Model Road Practicals training

To strengthen the trainee's understanding application of the and appropriate technology, the Centre operates a training model road that is usually within its proximity The site is particularly important for training in effective work organisation. It also helps to mentor the trainee on the real world site conditions as it covers a wide range of activities that the trainees are expected to encounter in the field.

Forepersons and assistant Forepersons.

The site Supervisors are the key Contractor Personnel. MELTC mentors them to master the labour-based road works terminologies, operations and their sequences, construction materials and their correct Handing procedures. application of the appropriate labour-based work methods, etc.

TOT on Routine Road Maintenance (RRM) Contracting ​

MELTC trains Engineers and senior technicians both from public and private organisations through: introducing and interactive practical approach to training in road maintenance, introducing basic Principles of routing road maintenance, gaining familiarity, knowledge and skills in RRM contracting. etc.

Community access Innovation (CaRS)

MELTC helps in the training of Engineers and Technicians both from Public and Private on footsteps and organisations non-motorised access aimed at improving isolated between connectivity communities.

Consultancy Firms Training (Engineers and Technicians).

MELTC helps build capacity of the Technical Support Units, which offers Technical Expertise to a group of Districts.

Managing Director

The contract managers are enlightened on the potential benefits of Labour Based Technology and to identify LBRW resources and operations for a sustainable contracting business.

NON-Governmental organizations

MELTC helps in the training of engineers and Technicians from Non-Governmental Organisations involved in road works and other innovative designs.

District Staff Training

Labour-based contract Management for District Engineers.

This course is intended to develop the Engineer's knowledge, skills and attitude needed to mobilize human and local resources for the rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructure in a manner responsive to the concerns of environment, gender, labour, health and safety including HIV/AIDS among other aspects for sustainable development.

Labour-based contract Management for Supervisors of works

The course equips technicians and Supervisors in the road construction industry with the skills. Necessary knowledge and attitude to enable them to support the Engineers: prepare contract documents, identify projects and make use of appropriate technology choice to be used, monitor, evaluate and during work of progress report implementation among others.

Non-Engineering courses, workshops, and seminars

Since Road Inspectors are responsible for the day-to-day inspection of the construction sites, this course helps them to develop skills, knowledge, and attitude in managing productivities. quality control, daily work planning. compliance to gender and safety environmental concerns among others.

Non-Engineering courses, workshops, and seminars

Infrastructure development calls for participation and transparency of the persons involved in the planning and implementation of road works at all levels from the social, economic, and environmental perspectives. This course is intended to enlighten the non-technical district staff and politicians on their roles and responsibilities: impart necessary skills and discuss the mechanisms of their participation to ensure that environment, gender, labour, human

Training Programs

The training programmes at MELTC are designed for: Engineering and non-Engineering officers from Ministries and District Local Governments District Engineers and other officers from the District Community Services, Health, and environment officers.

Training ActivityEffective Training DaysTraining ActivityTraining Days
1. Policy Makers LBT Awareness Course26. Contractors LBT Course
Ministers2Managing Directors / Directors15
Members of Parliament2Trial Contractors60
Resident District Commisioners27. Contractors LCS Course
LCV Chairpersons/ Mayors2Managing Directors / Directors5
2. Chief Executives LBT Awareness CourseTrial Contractors180
CEO from Ministries Departments and Agencies23. LBT Routine Maintenance Course
CEO from District/ Urban Local Governments2Road Inspectors and Road Overseers10
CEO from NGOs2Head Persons/ Gang Leaders10
3. Technical Managers LBT Course9, Environment and Social Safeguard
Senior Engineers from Ministries and Departments20Central and Local Government Officers10
Senior Engineers / SOW from DLG & Urban A20Agency / Authority/ NGO Officers10
Senior Engineers from Agencies and Authorities2010. Tailor-made Courses
4. Technical Managers LCS CourseInternational LBT Course20
Senior Engineers from Ministries and Departments20International LCS Course20
Senior Engineers / SOW from DLG & Urban A20Refresher LBT Course15
Senior Engineers from Agencies and Authorities20Community Access Support Courses10
5. Technical Supervisors LBT Course
Technologists / Technicians20