
Completed Projects at MELTC

There have been new developments at the Centre in relation to its land ownership and courses conducted. Since its establishment the Centre has been housed in the Orion block of the Uganda Technical College-Elgon. However, in 2013, a memorandum was reached for the Centre to own the Orion block and the land on which it is situated.

Further, two new course modules have been introduced into the MELTC training Curriculum namely, Low Cost Sealing and Stone masonry Arch bridge construction.

Bridges to Prosperity comes to Uganda.

Bridges to Prosperity (B2P] is an International Organization Governmental (Non-Profit) which Assists isolated communities in collaboration with Ministry for Works & Transport in particular MELTC obtaining access to essential health care education, and economic opportunities by building footbridges over impassable rivers B2P has built more than 250 bridges in 20 countries around the world, and recently expanded into Uganda.

B2P and MoWT began field work and meetings in October 2016 to investigate a potential partnership and carryout a rapid needs assessment. The MoU was fully signed by both parties to the partnership on 11th August 2017. The partnership aims to tackle poor and inefficient connectivity in isolated rural communities, especially_ those in hilly terrain which are highly susceptible to natural calamities e.g seasonal floods. The current lack of bridges can increase travel times and cost of mobility to access resources. By constructing cable foot bridges, the partnership will promote access to essential health care, agriculture, tourism, education, and other economic opportunities. The Partnership is in alignment with Strategic Policy and Legislative mandates of the MoWT, and in particular, the partnership is in line with NDP II’s development objectives which include.

  • Increasing the stock and quality of Strategic Infrastructure to Accelerate the Country’s Competitiveness, Obtainmiddle income status by 2020 and Enhance transportation of agricultural products.
  • The 5-year program involves construction of Footbridges over impassable rivers and streams in the rural isolated areas of Uganda.

The bridges are capable of spanning between 20 and 120 meters. The bridges

Low Cost Sealing

Low-cost sealing for low volume roads was introduced in 2010 in Uganda and it's being promoted by MELTC. The need for sealing of roads stems from the fact that good quality gravel is depleting and yet the natural renewal process is slow. The conventional sealing method requires high quality materials which usually must be hauled for long distances. Moreover, most roads with low traffic volume may not require materials with such high specifications. The use of locally available materials for sealing of roads has been identified as key in reducing the cost of construction. MELTC offers training in the design and construction of roads using Low-Cost Sealing Technology. The training is intended for Public Roads agencies and Private contracting firms.

Stone Masonry Arch Bridge

The arch bridge is a cheaper alternative to concrete reinforced bridges and yet it requires simple skils to be constructed. It helps to connect communities through impassable areas. It helps communities to access facilities like health services for mothers and school going children and farmers who look for market for their produce

Our Partners

Bridges to Prosperity
Develop capacity in the construction of suspended cable bridges
Over 7 No. bridges completed since 2018
UNRA PAIDB funded Busega - Mpigi Expressway!
Specialized training in Decision tools and construction of a low cost demo bridge
Demonstration bridge constructed at Busita and Ministry and Local Government Engineers training in Decision tools
Operation Wealth Creation (OWC)
Provide Technical assistance to Kasese DLG to improve access to coffee growing areas.
Surveys done and over 3kms of gravel road rehabilitated using Labour Based Technology
Community Road Empowerment (CORE)
Train urban youth in the use of LBT in road rehabilitation and maintenance Include DO-NOU technology into road maintenance curriculum at MELTC
Over 21 urban youth trained in road maintenance
Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Training Local Government staff in refugee hosting districts in West Nile region Construct 5kms of a demo road
Program to commence in July 2021
Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)
Training DLG technical and non-technical staff from Northern Uganda in LBT and LCS Offer technical support to DLGs during rehabilitation of selected District roads
Over 112 staff were trained, and rehabilitation 359 kms of gravel roads is completed or underway