MT. Elgon Labour Based Training Centre
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Mt. Elgon Labor-Based Training Center (MELTC) was established in 1995 by then Ministry of Works, Housing and communications with support from the Nordic Development Fund and backstopping from the International Labor Organization (ILO) . The Training Centre has since continued to receive support from the Government of Uganda and DANIDA through provision of additional infrastructure, training, operational costs and technical assistance. The Training Centre is now fully established as the national Labour Based Training Center in the country.

To be a Centre of Excellence for training and capacity building in the road sub sectornationally and in the region

In line with the policy on poverty alleviation, MELTC’s mission is to supplement the effort of Government to achieve sustainable development and maintenance of transport infrastructure to secure accelerated economic development.

To develop capacity in the private and public sectors for planning and implementation of road rehabilitation and maintenance using labour based methods in a manner responsive to environmental, gender and social concern

Principal's Remarks
I am the Principal Executive Engineer in charge of the training centre. My primary role is that of a team leader for the training and support staff at the Training Centre. Our training program and activities are managed and guided by the Top Leadership of the Ministry of Works and Transport, development partners, and, in some cases, supported by private consultants.
MELTC is the National Labour-based training centre, under the department of Roads and Bridges in the Ministry of Works and Transport. Our development themes focus on capacity building, knowledge management, socio-economic inclusion, and gender for sustainability. The training programs are comprehensively designed after conducting training needs assessments (TNA)